Thursday, March 8, 2018

The Art of Letting Go

Year 2017 started rough but ended on a good note. Today, on International Women's Day, I am reposting the blog I wrote two years ago about letting go and living simpler. A lot has changed for the better since. Just thought it's worthwhile sharing my thoughts about it again.
**** Originally published in June 2016
For the past 6 months, I can say that I have mastered the art of letting go. Just recently, after talking to a friend who had influenced and inspired me in most of the changes I have made in my life beginning of this year, I went through an exercise. When I moved to the US six years ago, I only have two luggage with me. I gave up everything in the Philippines and just brought with me personal items that would fit in those two luggage. It was hard to sort which ones to bring and which ones to give away. But I made it happen. Six years after, I was looking at my closet and realized that I have accumulated so much clothing, shoes, and other items that I have probably just used a couple of times. For those who have been at my place, I've always gotten the same reaction as to how ridiculous the number of shoes I own. No exaggeration, I have clothes enough for me to not repeat the same outfit for a month. I mix and match for sure. I even have a few items that still have the tag on it and some that I have forgotten I even own. Not many people know, but it has a been a struggle for me adjusting financially to my new life. So I thought, I really don't need all of these and maybe I can make some money selling them. I can live my life simpler and only have the things I really need. Aside from the prospect of me making extra bucks from selling some stuff, going through the items and deciding which ones to sell or not was a liberating experience. There were times when I would justify to myself why I needed to keep the item but felt proud when I finally list them in my "sell/give away bucket". I kept repeating to myself, these are just material things. These things made me happy when I got them but they didn't define who I am and what I have become. I can always replace these things when I need to. Just like my hair will grow long again, in a few months, after I cut it short. I was proud that I felt at peace letting go of those material things and move forward.
Today, I got a notification that one of the items I listed on Ebay was purchased. In fact, it was one of the items I was hoping no one would buy so I can keep it (I know, LOL). But even to my surprise, I gladly packed the item, printed the shipping label, and dropped it at a USPS box during my break. Instead of feeling sad letting go of something I treasured for a time, I felt a feeling of fulfillment and joy.
Through the years, I have had to let go of people who's been part of my life, things I have owned, or my comfort zone when I uprooted myself and moved to another place. We are constantly ending chapters in our life and starting a new one. As we get older and gain more experience, it makes it easier for us to let go and move forward. Although in the past, I have probably not given myself enough time to process everything hence finding myself a little lost and confused when I was starting anew. This time though, I feel that I am really embracing the healing process and that I have given time for myself to be emotionally, mentally, and physically ready to tackle my new chapter and move on. Despite some of the challenges and difficult times I am going through, I can still say that I am happy at this stage of my life. I've read a few literature about letting go and one of the most valuable lessons I got from it was that there will be times that I will feel sad because I miss the people I lost and the life I used to live. I learned that it is perfectly okay to be sad and to just let it all out.
After allowing myself to go through the sadness, I would have to go back to focus on the present and start building the life I want to live.
For those who are going through the same situation, I wish you the best of luck. I hope that someday you will find true happiness by loving yourself and not basing your happiness from other people and with how much material things you have in your life. ****

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